DARWIN brings internationalization to the next level thanks to ICEX Next

DARWIN has been one of the SMEs selected to receive the ICEX NEXT grant (Call 2023). This program aims to help companies internationalize their businesses, in order to increase revenue abroad, reduce business risk, and enhance global competitiveness. Thanks to this grant, over the next two years, DARWIN will have specialized advice on internationalization, as well as a financial grant of €24,000 to cover expenses related to internationalization.
At DARWIN, we are dedicated to discovering and harnessing the potential of microorganisms to improve our lives and contribute to the development of a more sustainable planet. We consider microorganisms as our allies and maximize their abilities to open a wide range of opportunities where innovation and ambition intertwine. Through the application of microorganisms, we create innovative and revolutionary processes and products for various industrial sectors, including human and animal health, cosmetics, agriculture, and the environment.
Currently, DARWIN is in a phase of commercial, scientific, and technological expansion and is also at an ideal moment in terms of economic stability, number of clients, and staff size to consolidate the internationalization process with the aim of achieving a larger and more stable international client portfolio. In 2022, 21% of clients were international and accounted for 42% of the total annual revenue. In 2023, the percentage of international clients rose to 24.4%, contributing to 47% of the total annual revenue. DARWIN’s internationalization plan aims to continue increasing our international client portfolio, with a special focus on expanding our presence in other European countries, as well as in the United States, Latin America, and Asian countries.
This initiative will allow DARWIN to continue evolving as a company and thus move closer to its strategic objectives within the framework of the company’s international expansion. Thanks to the support of ICEX, DARWIN is expanding its possibilities to reach more markets and more diverse sectors with its microorganism-based applications.
Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence SL, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has received the support of ICEX and the co-financing of the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.