Development of personalised functional foods for reproductive health

The main objective of the REPROBIOMA project is the development of a new strategy for the identification and characterisation of precision probiotic strains for the development of functional foods that increase fertility and the success rate of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).
To carry out the project, the key bacteria in the vaginal microbiota of fertile hosts (healthy individuals) will be identified, analysing their functional capacity and the mechanisms of action by which they exert a benefit on reproduction. Once the most suitable probiotic strains (precision probiotics) have been selected, those that can be scaled up to industrial production will be selected. Finally, the usefulness of the strains for enhancing reproductive health will be tested in clinical trials in patients with fertility problems and undergoing ART. In case of success in the clinical trial, industrial scale-up of the production of the precision probiotics and commercialisation of the product will follow.
This is a novel, creative and systematic research project that aims to generate new knowledge about the role of the vaginal microbiota in health. Furthermore, if successful, the methodology developed could be extrapolated and applied to other pathologies where the microbiome plays a relevant role.
REPROBIOMA is a project funded by the European Union and the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI) with a budget of €810,418.19.
This project seeks collaboration and cooperation between different agents of the Valencian Innovation System for the development of a joint innovative solution, specifically the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence, SL, KOROTT and the Bernabeu Institute.